Thursday, 8 October 2015

Gap Analysis

"Gap analysis" is about comparing actual performance with potential performance, or (in layperson's terms), "seeing how woefully we are missing what we are supposed to be doing". If there is a gap, then plan on bridging it tout de suite, certainly before anyone important notices. In the above picture two lots of gaps are in evidence: [1] The country on the horizon is not in The EU, the country in the foreground is. Lots of people have analysed the gap between them and successfully navigated it. [2] The wonky ladders on the shoreline also bridge gaps, making it easier for the people mentioned in [1] when they arrive. A border control gap analysis is underway. 

Sunday, 4 October 2015

Speed Boat Change

The full office-twaddle expression is "You can't turn a tanker round with a speed boat change". This basically means that an organisation is so set in it's corporate ways that it won't be budging thank you very much. Speed boats are a great change and can pep up the 9 to 5 BIG TIME: They offer benefits such as all-round office views, fresh (as opposed to recycled) air, plus the ability to go REALLY FAST!